Savernake Auto Services Ltd

servicing & repairs for cars and light commercial vehicles

Call us on: 01672513025

MOT's & servicing

All Services including Service & Repair to all Manufacturers including vehicles less than 3 years old, without affecting Manufacturer's warranty.

Vosa Approved MOT Station offering the following classes:

  • Class 4
  • Cars, Quads, Motor Caravans, Dual Purpose Vehicles, Private hire Vehicles & PSVs (up to 8 seats), Goods Vehicles (up to 3000kg DGW), Ambulances and Taxis, Private Passenger Vehicles and Ambulances (9-12 Passenger seats)

  • Class 5l
  • Minibuses (13 to 16 Passenger seats)

  • Class 7
  • Goods vehicles (over 3000kg up to 3500 DGW)